在澳门新葡新京官方的岁月 | 7年级到12年级 |
教育: | B.S和M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University |
地点: | 皇家橡树,密歇根州 |
职业: | 汽车工程师 |
你的职业是什么?? How did you get into that line of work?I am a powertrain engineer, 或者更一般地说, a control systems engineer focusing on engine and transmission systems at Ford Motor Company. When I was graduating in 2014, there was a wide variety of industries hiring mechanical engineers, such as consumer electronics, 航空航天, 咨询, 制造业, 等. I completed summer internships in the automotive industry and the defense industry. 汽车是高度复杂和高度监管的系统,它结合了所有这些流行行业的元素. When considering my first role out of college, I felt excited about working on and in a product that people rely on daily. 我加入了一个面向应届大学毕业生的轮岗计划,从那以后就一直在福特工作.
What do you like most about your job?我在福特的大部分时间都是在支持其他工程师解决问题和完成交付任务, and this regularly includes engineering teams in other countries such as China, 巴西, 墨西哥, 和德国. 能够找出问题的根源并实施解决问题的计划,会给人带来即时的满足感, 在设计解决方案和流程以适应不同层次的工程资源和市场特定客户需求的过程中,我获得了很多同理心和商业敏锐度. 也, getting to drive prototype vehicles is a nice perk, 尽管你总是冒着汽车坏掉或解体的风险,而且修理它实际上是你的工作.
What lessons has your work life taught you?When I came out of engineering school, I was very accustomed to the competitive and driven nature of my peers, 学习和大量的问题集,所有的解决方案客观上是正确的或错误的,你的评分制度. 我以为事业上的成功取决于我工作有多努力,以及我被认为有多“聪明”. 这可能是一种比喻,但我现在完全转变为软技能和团队合作的阵营. In any engineering firm (or probably any company), the problems being solved are often so constrained that there is no single correct answer. 对于如何定义系统的成功,有多种可接受的解决方案和多种观点. Engaging with people meaningfully and managing conversations, 个性, and points of view have served me better than a lot of my technical coursework.
在你的职业生涯中,有没有一个项目或成就是你认为最重要的?我觉得我通过我的“日常工作”为福特产品做出了非常有意义的技术贡献,但我最自豪的是我在人才招聘领域的领导角色. One arm of Ford’s recruiting system is university recruiting, 是由校友组成的团队,他们自愿回到母校收集简历,宣传公司和我们的产品. For most of the target universities, like the University of Michigan, the volunteers who lead these teams are in the upper tiers of management, with maybe hundreds of people reporting to them and decades of leadership experience. After only two seasons of recruiting on the team, I was appointed the cross-functional lead, 我负责组织卡耐基梅隆大学(CMU)多个组织的工程招聘工作. 为了支持这个团队,我的导师是一位毕业于CMU的女性副校长. 领导团队并在招聘大学毕业生和实习生方面发挥作用是一项巨大的责任,也是一次奇妙的学习经历.
We often talk about girls developing their voice at Ellis, what does that mean to you? How do you use your voice?I participate in a female-focused mentoring circle at work, 经常出现的一个话题是,年轻员工害怕在大型会议上发言以获得澄清, defend their opinions or conclusions, and challenge the status quo. 在表达自己的观点、积极征求技术或公司政治话题的反馈或澄清时,我从未感到羞耻或害怕. 我完全把这归功于在澳门新葡新京官方以讨论为基础的学习,以及老师们从小就尊重和鼓励我们作为个体的观点.
Can you share a time in your life when you have been particularly brave or bold?When my friend asked me to join the racing team he was forming, 我的第一反应是:我不知道如何驾驶汽车,而且我的身体也无法在周围有一群司机的情况下将汽车开到极限. He insisted that they needed my project management skills and I could learn the rest. They offered me a safe space to learn (and mess up!) when it came to wrenching on the car, and we scheduled some test days so I could learn performance driving. At most I had one cumulative hour of experience on a track going into our first race. 当我的队友们系紧我的腰带,把我送走的时候,我穿着防火服,戴着头盔,明显地在颤抖. Three years and many races later, 我仍然只有在跑完第一圈后才会意识到我可以在赛道上开车.
For Ellis students reading this: is there any wisdom you’d want to pass on to them? What would you want them to know?When I compare my high school memories and experiences to those of my colleagues, 我对澳门新葡新京官方大学存在的机会和主动性的数量以及我从老师那里得到的指导的质量感到震惊. Whether you are a person who likes to try a hundred different things, or if you are a person who takes one thing at a time, really work at finding something that makes you happy. It could become a career, 一个爱好, 或者在堵车的时候扯着嗓子唱欢乐合唱团的老歌的中音部分来减压. 利用你周围的能量和机会,毫不掩饰地与你的同学分享你的激情.
What do you think are the advantages to Ellis’ 女孩子们的环境?
In order to prepare for a role at Ford, 我在谷歌上搜索并观看了YouTube上关于我被分配支持的系统的机械基础的视频. When I demonstrated this knowledge to a colleague, they seemed shocked and asked if my “dad was a gearhead,” as if that was the only explanation for my practical engine knowledge. This type of gendered assumption and the hurtful implications that surround it
(Am I qualified to do X? Does he know more about Y?) does not exist in an all-girls learning environment. 你所拥有的每一个领导力的例子,以及你向同龄人学习的每一个机会,都是女性为女性创造的. I did not realize how powerful that was until I entered a male-dominated environment.
How do you spend your free time?最近, 我花了很多时间和我的猫一起看网飞,用《澳门官方老葡京》的烹饪应用程序吃东西, 但自从搬到密歇根以来,我一直有一个爱好,那就是和一些工作上的朋友一起参加业余耐力赛“冠军车”,驾驶一辆1997年的宝马318ti. 我也在尝试背包旅行,最近和我的伴侣一起去了冰岛和新西兰, 特雷弗.
If you could interview anyone living or dead, who would it be and why?I think I’d interview one of the framers of the Constitution, bring a curated list of questions from experts, and make a very controversial podcast out of it.
How would you describe yourself in three words?易激动的. 注重细节的. 可靠的.